Publications and other outputs
The principal publications and outputs of the project will be as follows:
- A downloadable dataset (see Resources).
- A co-authored monograph entitled Existential Constructions: A comparative Investigation into Romance dialects of Italy.
- An edited special issue of the Italian Journal of Linguistics, including an article by the project members.
- A collection of children's stories in ten Italo-Romance dialects (DVD plus booklet of transcriptions).
List of publications relevant to the project
Bentley, D., Ciconte, F., and Cruschina, S. (to appear). Microvariation in information structure: existential constructions in Italo-Romance. In Fernandez-Vest, M. M. J., and Van Valin, R. Jr. (eds) Information Structure in Spoken Language in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Mouton de Gruyter.
Bentley, D. and Cruschina, S. (to appear). Existential Constructions. In Fischer, S., Gabriel, C. (eds) Manuals of Romance Linguistics (MRL): Grammatical Interfaces.
Bentley, D. and Ciconte, F. (to appear). Copular and existential constructions. In Ledgeway, A. and Maiden, M. (eds) Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Oxford: OUP.
Bentley, D. (2013) Subject markedness and definiteness effects in Romance there sentences. Language 89/4.
Bentley, D., Ciconte, F. M. & Cruschina, S. (eds) (2013). Existential Constructions in Cross-Linguistics Perspective. Special Issue of the Italian Journal of Linguistics. Pisa: Pacini.
Bentley, D., Ciconte, F. M. & Cruschina, S. (2013). Micro-variation in subject agreement: The case of existential pivots with split focus in Romance. In D. Bentley, F. M. Ciconte & S. Cruschina (eds.) (2013), Existential Constructions in Cross-Linguistics Perspective. Pisa: Pacini: 15-43.
Bentley, D. (2011). Sui costrutti esistenziali sardi. Effetti di definitezza, deissi, evidenzialità. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 127/1: 111-140.
Bentley, D. (2010). Principles of subject markedness in Romance. Archivio Glottologico Italiano 95/2: 152-189.
Bentley, D. (2010). Subject markedness and definiteness effects in existential construtions. Ms. under review.
Bentley, D. (2004). Ne-cliticisation and split intransitivity. Journal of Linguistics 40: 219-262.
Bentley, D. (2004). Definiteness effects: evidence from Sardinian. Transactions of the Philological Society 102/1: 57-101.
Ciconte, F. M. (to appear). Existential Constructions in the Early Italo-Romance Vernaculars. The Monograph Series of The Philological Society. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ciconte, F. M. (2013). Argument realization and existential pro-forms in early Italo-Romance. In Gelderen, Elly van, Jóhanna Barðdal and Michela Cennamo (eds). Argument Structure in Flux: The Naples-Capri Papers Amsterdam: Benjamins: 549-566.
Ciconte, F. M. (2011). The Emergence and the Reanalysis of the Existential Pro-form: Evidence from Early Italo-Romance. Transactions of the Philological Society 109/3: 284-306.
Ciconte, F. M. (2009). Pro-forms in Existential Constructions of Early Italo-Romance Vernaculars. In G. A. Kaiser & E.-M. Remberger (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop “Null-subjects, expletives, and locatives in Romance”. Arbeitspapier 123. Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft, pp. 183-198. Konstanz: Universität Konstanz
Ciconte, F. M. (2008). Existential Constructions in Early Italo-Romance Vernaculars: the Locative Hypothesis. In Proceedings of the Oxford Postgraduate Conference LingO 2007, pp. 35-42. Oxford 2008: Oxford University Press.
Cruschina, S. (2012). Focus in existential sentences. In Internet Celebration for Luigi Rizzi’s 60th birthday.
Cruschina, S. (2011). On the syntactic status of sentential adverbs and modal particles. In B. Wiemer & K. Stathi (eds.). Special Issue of STUF- Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 64(4): 345-357.
Cruschina, S. (2010). Aspetti morfologici e sintattici degli avverbi in siciliano. In J. Garzonio (ed.). Atti della giornata di studio sui dialetti della Sicilia. Quaderni di lavoro ASIt n. 10: Studi sui dialetti della Sicilia. Progetto ASIS (Atlante Sintattico dell’Italia Settentrionale), pp. 21-42. Padova: Unipress.
Cruschina, S. & E. Remberger (2008). Hearsay and reported speech: Evidentiality in Romance. In P. Benincà, F. Damonte and N. Penello (eds.). Selected Proceedings of the 34th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. Padova: Unipress. [Rivista di Grammatica Generativa 33: 99-120].
List of talks relevant to the project
Bentley, D. Definiteness effects: a crosslinguistic perspective. Paper presented at the workshop “Definiteness Effects”, within the 34. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society), DGfS 2012. 06-09 March 2012.
Bentley, D. Towards a unified theory of subject markedness in Romance. Keynote address at the 2010 CIDSM, Freie Universität Berlin, 3 July 2010 []
Bentley, D. Existential constructions in Sardinian: definiteness effects, deixis, and evidentiality. Invited seminar. Romance Linguistics seminar series. School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies of the University of Liverpool, 22 February 2010.
Bentley, D. Subject markedness and pivot encoding in Romance and beyond. Invited talk. Institute for Linguistics and Language Studies seminar series. University of Manchester, 2 February 2010.
Bentley, D. Subject markedness and pivot choice: a crossdialectal survey. Cambridge Italian Dialects Syntax Meeting, June 2009.
Bentley, D. Beyond definiteness: more on Sardinian existentials. IX Incontro di Dialettologia Italiana, 6 March 2009.
Ciconte, F. Existential Constructions: From Early Italo-Romance to Modern Italian. Invited talk. Institute for Linguistics and Language Studies.University of Manchester. 30 November 2010.
Ciconte, F. The Emergence and the Reanalysis of the Pro-form in the Early Italo-Romance Vernaculars. Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax Meeting (CIDSM 5). Freie Universität Berlin, 2-3 July 2010.
Ciconte, F. (with Delia Bentley). Argument Realization in Early Italo-Romance: The Case of Existentials. Workshop: Variation and Change in Argument Realization. Naples-Capri, 27–30 May 2010.
Ciconte, F. Existential Constructions in the Early Italo-Romance Vernaculars: a Research Perspective. Italian Studies Postgraduate Day. University of Manchester, 19 May 2010.
Ciconte, F. Existential Constructions in the Early Italo-Romance Vernaculars. Invited lectures. Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav románských studií, Oddělení italianistiky, and České Budějovice, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav romanistiky, 28-30 April 2010.
Ciconte, F. Pro-forms in Existential Constructions of the Early Italo-Romance Varieties. Workshop on Null-subjects, Expletives and Locatives in Romance. Universität Konstanz, 27-29 March 2008.
Ciconte, F. Existential Constructions in Early Italo-Romance Vernaculars: the Locative Hypothesis. VIII Incontro di Dialettologia Italiana. University of Bristol, 5-6 October 2007.
Ciconte, F. Existential Constructions in Early Italo-Romance Vernaculars: the Locative Hypothesis. LingO: The Oxford Postgraduate Conference. St. Anne's College University of Oxford, 21-22 September 2007.
Cruschina, S. Existential constructions in Italo-Romance. Keynote invited speaker for the Italian Dialect Meeting (CIDSM in Leiden+ Italian Dialects in Diachrony), Leiden University/LUCL Italian, 24-26 May 2012.
Cruschina, S. Definiteness effects in Italian: locative and existential constructions. Paper presented at the workshop “Definiteness Effects”, within the 34. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society), DGfS 2012. 06-09 March 2012.
Cruschina, S. Adverb-formation, grammaticalization, and the categorial status of modal adverbs. Romance Linguistics Graduate Seminars. University of Oxford, 3 December 2009.
Cruschina, S. Aspetti morfologici e sintattici degli avverbi in siciliano. Giornata di studio sui dialetti della Sicilia. Progetto ASIS (Atlante Sintattico dell’Italia Settentrionale). University of Padua, 15 October 2009.
Cruschina, S. Sentential Adverbs in Sicilian and the Hierarchy of Functional Projections. IX Incontro di Dialettologia Italiana. University of Bristol, 6-7 March 2009.
Cruschina, S. Parica sunnu avverbi... — Grammaticalisation within the adverbial system of Sicilian. Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax Meeting 3 (CIDSM-3). Pescara, 5-6 July 2008.
Cruschina, S. (with Eva Remberger). Hearsay and reported speech: Evidentiality in Romance. Incontro di Grammatica Generativa XXXIV. University of Padua, 21-23 February 2008.